In Memory

Gordon Dewar

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05/09/23 01:37 PM #1    

Paul Buckley

Gord was the best "Little League" baseball player.

Remember our coach "Slim" Porter?

05/10/23 07:57 AM #2    

Fred Zaitsoff

Gordon was a gifted athlete,  Slim Porter was one of my hockey coaches.


05/10/23 10:38 AM #3    

David Kent Preston

Sad to see another school mate pass on when I played hockey with Gordon and his brother Ken and I think all of us played hockey for slim porter haven't heard him mentioned in a long time
Rest in peace, gord
Kent Preston

05/10/23 01:40 PM #4    

Doug Seaby

Very sad to hear about Gordie .He was quite the dude and had many many friends.  We were friends for many school years. So many fun years . Under age drinking and smoking parting . We had a great up bringing in Nelson. So many good friends along with there very nice parents . I don't know how they put up with all of us. I guess maybe we were not that bad. Well at least we were smart enough not to get caught. I guess. I just hope Gordie had a great life. Lost track of him in the late 60ts . Last I heard he moved on with Pam . I hope that she is still out there and making the best of life. These were the great times in Nelson. I left at a early age . But the time that I spent in Nelson were the Greatest.  Great town Super People. Take Care you All  Doug  Seaby . 

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